Publications of Ning Wang
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articles in journals
Universal Wong formula for capture cross sections from light to superheavy systems
Effective nucleus‑nucleus potentials for heavy‑ion fusion reactions
Impact of nuclear mass models on r-process nucleosynthesis and heavy element abundances in r-process-enhanced metal-poor stars
- Meng-Hua Chen,Li-Xin Li, En-Wei Liang, and Ning Wang
- Astronomy & Astrophysics, 693 (2025) A1 ;
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Shell correction dependence of potential depth in an α-decay cluster model
- Junlong Tian, Kai Ren, Pengfei Ma, Cheng Li, and Ning Wang
- Phys. Rev. C 110 (2024) 064313;
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Mirror corrections in predictions of nucleon separation energies for nuclei near the proton drip line
- Tao Li, Ning Wang, Hong Yao, Xinrui Zhang, and Min Liu
- Phys. Rev. C 110 (2024) 034318;
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Systematics of production cross sections in 54Cr-induced fusion evaporation reactions
- L. C. Sun, Z. Y. Zhang, Z. G. Gan, et al.
- Phys. Rev. C 110 (2024) 014319;
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Systematic study of capture thresholds with time dependent Hartree-Fock theory
Fission barriers with Weizsäcker-Skyrme mass model
Distinguishing fission-like events from deep-inelastic collisions
Experimental cross section study of 40Ca+175Lu: Searching for new neutron-deficient Pa isotopes
- H.B. Yang (杨华彬), Z.G. Gan (甘再国), Y.J. Li (李英健), M.L. Liu (刘梦兰), S.Y. Xu (徐苏扬), C. Liu (刘晨), M.M.Zhang(张明明), Z.Y.Zhang(张志远), M.H.Huang(黄明辉), C.X.Yuan(袁岑溪), S. Y. Wang (王守宇), L. Ma (马龙), J.G. Wang (王建国), X.C. Han (韩星池), A. Rohilla, S.Q. Zuo (左思琪), X. Xiao (肖骁), X.B. Zhang (张鑫博), L. Zhu (祝霖), Z.F. Yue (岳志芳), Y.L. Tian (田玉林), Y.S. Wang (王永生), C.L. Yang (杨春莉), Z. Zhao (赵圳), X.Y. Huang (黄鑫源), Z.C. Li (李宗池), L.C. Sun (孙路冲), J.Y. Wang (王均英), H.R. Yang (杨贺润), Z.W. Lu (卢子伟), W.Q. Yang (杨维青), X.H. Zhou (周小红), W.X. Huang (黄文学), N. Wang (王宁), S.G. Zhou (周善贵), Z.Z. Ren (任中洲), and H.S. Xu (徐瑚珊)
- Phys. Rev. Lett. 132 (2024) 072502;
- [Link]
Experimental cross section study of 40Ca+175Lu: Searching for new neutron-deficient Pa isotopes
- M. M.Zhang, Z. Y. Zhang, Z. G. Gan, N. Wang, H. Yao, J. G. Wang, M. H. Huang, L. Ma, H. B. Yang, C. L. Yang, Y. L. Tian, Y. S. Wang, J. Y. Wang, Y. H. Qiang, X. L. Wu, S. Y. Xu, X. Y. Huang, Z. C. Li, Z. Zhao, L. C. Sun, H. Zhou, X. Zhang, G. Xie, L. Zhu, J. H. Zheng, Y. J. Li, F. Guan, Z. W. Lu, W. X. Huang, Y. He, H. S. Xu, Z. Z. Ren, and S. G. Zhou
- Phys. Rev. C 109 (2024) 014608;
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Systematic study of fusion barriers with energy dependent barrier radius
- Yeruoxi Chen, Hong Yao, Min Liu, Junlong Tian, Peiwei Wen, Ning Wang
- Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 154 (2023) 101587;
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Modeling the fusion process with a modified Woods-Saxon potential in 40Ar-induced fusion reactions
- H. B. Zhou, Z. Y. Li, Z. G. Gan, Z. Y. Zhang, H. Yao, N. Wang, H. B. Yang, L. Ma, M. H. Huang, C. L. Yang, M. M. Zhang, Y. L. Tian, Y. S. Wang, X. H. Zhou, and J. L. Tian
- Phys. Rev. C 105 (2022) 024328;
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Compilation of recent nuclear ground state charge radius measurements and tests for models
- Tao Li, Yani Luo, Ning Wang
- Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 140 (2021) 101440;
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Nuclear deformation energies with the Weizsaecker–Skyrme mass model
- Ning Wang, Tao Li
- Acta Phys. Polo. B Proc. Supp. 12 (2019) 715;
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Nucleus-nucleus potential from identical-particle interference
- Ning Wang, Yongxu Yang, Min Liu, Chengjian Lin
- Phys. Lett. B 784 (2018) 33-36; [arXiv:1807.05646]
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Statistical errors in Weizsaecker-Skyrme mass model
Microscopic dynamics simulations of multinucleon transfer in 86Kr+64Ni at 25 MeV/nucleon
New neutron-rich isotope production in 154Sm+160Gd
Improvement on Fermionic properties and new isotope production in molecular dynamics simulations
- Ning Wang, Tong Wu, Jie Zeng, Yongxu Yang, and Li Ou
- J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 43 (2016) 065101; [arXiv:1603.02759]
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Understanding transport simulations of heavy-ion collisions at 100A and 400A MeV:
Comparison of heavy-ion transport codes under controlled conditions
- Jun Xu, Lie-Wen Chen, ManYee Betty Tsang, et al.,
- Phys. Rev. C 93, 044609 (2016)
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Multinucleon transfer in the 136Xe+208Pb reaction
- Cheng Li, Fan Zhang, Jingjing Li, Long Zhu, Junlong Tian, Ning Wang, and Feng-Shou Zhang
- Phys. Rev. C 93, 014618 (2016);
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Correlations between neutrons and protons near the Fermi surface and Qα of superheavy nucleis
Properties of nuclear matter from macroscopic-microscopic mass formulas
- Ning Wang, Min Liu, Li Ou, Yingxun Zhang
- Phys. Lett. B 751 (2015) 553-558; [arXiv:1511.01557]
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Dynamic Isovector Reorientation of Deuteron as a Probe to Nuclear Symmetry Energy
- Li Ou, Zhigang Xiao, Han Yi, Ning Wang, Min Liu and Junlong Tian
- Phys. Rev. Lett. 115 (2015) 212501
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Fusion and quasi-fission dynamics in nearly-symmetric reactions
- Ning Wang, Kai Zhao, Zhuxia Li
- Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 58 (2015) 112001
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Production mechanism of neutron-rich transuranium nuclei in 238U + 238U
collisions at near-barrier energies
- Kai Zhao, Zhuxia Li, Ning Wang, Yingxun Zhang, Qingfeng Li, Yongjia Wang, and Xizhen Wu
- Phys. Rev. C 92, 024613 (2015)
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The Analytical Parametrization of Fusion Barrier by Using the Skyrme
Energy-Density Function Model
- V. Zanganeh, M. Mirzaei, and N. Wang
- Commun. Theor. Phys. 64 (2015) 177-184
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Deformation dependence of symmetry energy coefficients of nuclei
- MO QiuHong, LIU Min, CHENG LiChun, WANG Ning
- Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 58 (2015) 082001
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Si, S, Ca, Ni 同位素中的新幻数
- 王宁, 刘敏
- 科学通报, 60 (2015) 1145-1149;
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Model dependence of the I^4 term in the symmetry energy for finite nuclei
- H. Jiang, N. Wang, Lie-Wen Chen, Y. M. Zhao, and A. Arima
- Phys. Rev.C 91, 054302 (2015);
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Mass dependence of symmetry energy coefficients in the Skyrme force
- N. Wang, M. Liu, H. Jiang, J. L. Tian, and Y. M. Zhao
- Phys. Rev. C 91, 044308 (2015); [arXiv:1504.00455]
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Dynamical and statistical description of multifragmentation in heavy-ion collisions
- Lihua Mao, Ning Wang and Li Ou
- Phys. Rev. C 91, 044604 (2015);
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Competition between Coulomb and symmetry potential in semi-peripheral heavy ion collisions
- Qianghua Wu, Yingxun Zhang, Zhigang Xiao, Rensheng Wang, Yan Zhang, Zhuxia Li, Ning Wang, and R. H. Showalter
- Phys. Rev. C 91, 014617 (2015);
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Further study on mechanism of production of light complex particles in nucleon-induced reactions
- Dexian Wei, Lihua Mao, Ning Wang, Min Liu, Li Ou
- Nucl. Phys. A 933 (2015) 114–122
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Pre-neutron-emission Mass Distributions for Reaction 232Th(n, f) up to 60 MeV
- SUN Xiao-Jun, PAN Cheng-Hua,1 YU Cheng-Gang, YANG Yong-Xu, and WANG Ning
- Commun. Theor. Phys. 62 (2014) 711–716
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Systematic study of 16O-induced fusion with the improved quantum molecular dynamics model
Systematic study of shell gaps in nuclei
Effect of Coulomb energy on the symmetry energy coefficients of finite nuclei
- Junlong Tian, Haitao Cui, Kuankuan Zheng, and Ning Wang
- Phys. Rev. C 90, 024313 (2014);
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Temperature-dependent potential in alpha-decay process
- Vahid Zanganeh, Ning Wang
- Nucl. Phys. A 929 (2014) 94-101;
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Microscopic dynamics simulations of heavy-ion fusion reactions induced by neutron-rich nuclei
- Ning Wang, Li Ou, Yingxun Zhang, and Zhuxia Li
- Phys. Rev. C 89, 064601 (2014); [arXiv:1405.5271]
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Surface diffuseness correction in global mass formula
- Ning Wang, Min Liu, Xizhen Wu, Jie Meng,
- Phys. Lett. B 734, 215-219 (2014); [arXiv:1405.2616]
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Mechanism of the production of light complex particles in nucleon-induced reactions
- Dexian Wei, Ning Wang and Li Ou
- J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 41 (2014) 035104
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Shell and isospin effects in nuclear charge radii
- Ning Wang and Tao Li
- Phys. Rev. C 88, 011301(R) (2013)
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Determination of the nucleon-nucleon interaction in the ImQMD model by nuclear reactions at the Fermi energy region
- LI Cheng, TIAN Jun-Long, QIN Yu-Jiao, LI Jing-Jing, WANG Ning
- Chin. Phys. C 37 (2013) 114101
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Finite-size effects on fragmentation in heavy-ion collisions
- Cheng Li, Junlong Tian, Li Ou, and Ning Wang
- Phys. Rev. C 87, 064615 (2013)
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Nuclear symmetry energy from the Fermi-energy difference in nuclei
- Ning Wang, Li Ou, and Min Liu
- Phys. Rev. C 87, 034327 (2013); [arXiv:1303.3659]
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Improved Kelson-Garvey mass relations for proton-rich nuclei
- Junlong Tian, Ning Wang, Cheng Li, and Jingjing Li
- Phys. Rev. C 87, 014313 (2013); [arXiv:1301.2751]
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Calculation of penetration probability across an arbitrary potential barrier in fusion reactions
- Yujiao Qin, Junlong Tian, Yongxu Yang, and Ning Wang*
- Phys. Rev. C 85, 054623 (2012);
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Predictions of unknown masses and their applications
- H. Jiang, G. J. Fu, B. Sun, M. Liu, N. Wang, M. Wang, Y. G. Ma, C. J. Lin, Y. M. Zhao,
Y. H. Zhang, Z. Z. Ren, and A. Arima
- Phys. Rev. C 85, 054303 (2012);
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- 李竹,牛中明,孙保华,王宁,孟杰
- 物理学报,Vol. 61, No. 7 (2012) 072601
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Dynamical nucleus-nucleus potential and incompressibility of nuclear matter
- V. Zanganeh, N. Wang, O. N. Ghodsi
- Phys. Rev. C 85, 034601 (2012); [arXiv:1203.0066]
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Pre-neutron-emission mass distributions for low-energy neutron-induced actinide fission
- Xiaojun Sun, Chenggang Yu, and Ning Wang
- Phys. Rev. C 85, 014613 (2012); [arXiv:1201.3070]
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Double magic nuclei for Z>82 and N>126
- H. F. Zhang, Y. Gao, N. Wang, J. Q. Li, E. G. Zhao, and G. Royer
- Phys. Rev. C 85, 014325 (2012);
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Systematics of fusion probability in “hot” fusion reactions
- Ning Wang, Junlong Tian, and Werner Scheid
- Phys. Rev. C 84, 061601(R) (2011); [arXiv:1112.6042]
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Nuclear mass predictions with a radial basis function approach
- Ning Wang and Min Liu
- Phys. Rev. C 84, 051303(R) (2011); [arXiv:1111.0354]
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- 梁祚盈, 刘俊华, 刘敏, 王宁*
- 原子核物理评论,第28卷 第9期,(2011) 1-6;
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Further improvements on a global nuclear mass model
- Min Liu, Ning Wang, Yangge Deng, Xizhen Wu
- Phys. Rev. C 84 (2011) 014333; [arXiv:1104.0066]
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Exploring nuclear symmetry energy with isospin dependence in neutron skin thickness of nuclei
- LIU Min, LI Zhu-Xia, WANG Ning, ZHANG Feng-Shou
- CPC(HEP & NP), 2011, 35(7): 629-634;
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Coulomb energy of axially deformed nucleus
- Ning Wang, Xuexin Yu, Min Liu
- Mod. Phys. Lett. A 26 (2011) 119-125; [arXiv: nucl-th/1005.2881]
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Nuclear symmetry energy at subnormal densities from measured nuclear masses
- Min Liu, Ning Wang, Zhuxia Li, Fengshou Zhang
- Phys. Rev. C 82 (2010) 064306-1-5;; [arXiv: nucl-th/1011.3865]
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Mirror nuclei constraint in mass formula
- Ning Wang, Zuoying Liang, Min Liu, Xizhen Wu
- Phys. Rev. C 82 (2010) 044304-1-6; [arXiv: nucl-th/1008.2115]
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Mass and isospin dependence of symmetry energy coefficients of finite nuclei
- Ning Wang and Min Liu
- Phys. Rev. C 81 (2010) 067302-1-3; [arXiv: nucl-th/1005.3087];
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Modification of mass formula by considering isospin effects
- Ning Wang, Min Liu and Xizhen Wu
- Phys. Rev. C 81 (2010) 044322-1-8; [arXiv: nucl-th/1001.1493 v2 v3]
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Coulomb energy of spherical nucleus
- Xuexin Yu, Min Liu and Ning Wang
- Mod. Phys. Lett. A 25 (2010) 1275-1280;
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Dynamical nucleus-nucleus potential at short distances
- Yongying Jiang, Ning Wang, Zhuxia Li, Werner Scheid
- Phys. Rev. C 81 (2010) 044602-1-7; [arXiv: nucl-th/1003.1356]
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Quasi-elastic scattering and fusion with a modified Woods-Saxon potential
- Ning Wang and Werner Scheid
- Phys. Rev. C 78 (2008) 014607-1-7 ; [arXiv: nucl-th/0806.4442]
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Fusion-fission reactions with a modified Woods-Saxon potential
- Ning Wang, Kai Zhao, Werner Scheid and Xizhen Wu
- Phys. Rev. C 77 (2008) 014603-1-11; [arXiv: nucl-th/0712.2499]
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- 王宁
- 广西物理,Vol. 29, No. 2 (2008) 2-9.
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Systematic study of fusion barriers
- Ning Wang, Zhuxia Li and Werner Scheid
- J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 34 (2007) 1935-1953;
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Modified Woods-Saxon potential for heavy-ion fusion reaction
- TIAN Jun-long, WANG Ning and LI Zhu-xia
- Chin. Phys. Lett. 24 (2007) 905 ;
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Search for possible way of producing super-heavy elements
- dynami study on damped reactions of 244Pu+244Pu, 238U+238U and 197Au+197Au
- Zhuxia Li, Xizhen Wu, Ning Wang
- Romanian Reports in Physics, Vol. 59, No. 2 (2007) 729–740;
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Applications of Skyrme energy-density functional to fusion reactions for synthesis of superheavy nuclei
- Ning Wang, Xizhen Wu, Zhuxia Li, Min Liu and Werner Scheid
- Phys. Rev. C 74 (2006) 044604-1-10; [arXiv: nucl-th/0609045]
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Applications of Skyrme energy-density functional to fusion reactions spanning the fusion barriers
- Min Liu, Ning Wang, Zhuxia Li, Xizhen Wu and Enguang Zhao
- Nucl. Phys. A 768 (2006) 80-98; [arXiv: nucl-th/0509069]
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Neutron skin thickness of nuclei and effective nucleon-nucleon interaction
- LIU Min, WANG Ning, LI Zhu-xia
- Chin. Phys. Lett. 23 (2006) 804-807;
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- 赵凯、李祝霞、吴锡真、王宁、张英逊、田俊龙、张焕乔、刘祖华
- 高能物理与核物理, Vol. 30 No.1 (2006) 26-31;
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Search for possible way of producing super-heavy elements
- Ning Wang, Zhuxia Li, Xizhen Wu and Enguang Zhao
- Mod. Phys. Lett. A 20 (2005) 2619-2627; [arXiv: nucl-th/0502007]
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Dynamical effects on sub-barrier fusion of 40,48Ca+90,96Zr
- ZHANG Huan-qiao, LIU Zu-hua, YANG Feng, LIN Cheng-jian, RUAN Ming, WU Yue-wei, LI Zhu-xia, WU Xi-zhen, ZHAO Kai and WANG Ning
- Chin. Phys. Lett, 22 (2005) 3048-3051;
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Further development of the improved quantum molecular dynamics model and its applicationto fusion reactions near the barrier
- Ning Wang, Zhuxia Li, Xizhen Wu, Junlong Tian, YingXun Zhang and Min Liu
- Phys. Rev. C 69 (2004) 034608-1-9; [arXiv: nucl-th/0402066]
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- 吴锡真、田俊龙、王宁、赵凯、李祝霞
- 高能物理与核物理, Vol.28 (2004) 1317-1323;
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- 田俊龙、吴锡真、李祝霞、王宁、刘福虎
- 高能物理与核物理, Vol.28 (2004) 725-732;
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The development of neck in fusion reaction 40Ca+90, 96Zr
- WANG Ning, WU Xi-zhen and LI Zhu-xia
- Chin. Phys. Lett. Vol.20 (2003) 1466-1469;
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Dynamic study of fusion reactions for 40,48Ca+90, 96Zr around the Coulomb barrier
- Ning Wang, Xizhen Wu, Zhuxia Li
- Phys. Rev. C 67 (2003) 024604-1-9; [arXiv: nucl-th/0301027]
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Statistical behaviors of quantum spectra in superheavy nuclei
- Xizhen Wu, Zhuxia Li, Ning Wang, J.A.Maruhn
- Comm. Theor. Phys. 39 (2003) 597-602;
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An improved quantum molecular dynamics model and its applications to fusion reaction near barrier
- Ning Wang, Zhuxia Li, Xizhen Wu
- Phys. Rev. C 65 (2002) 064608-1-10; [arXiv: nucl-th/0201079]
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- 王宁, 李祝霞
- 高能物理与核物理 25 (2001) 399-404;
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One- and two-neutron transfer reactions in 11Be+208Pb and mechanism of lowering of fusion barrier
- WANG Ning, LI Zhu-xia, WU Xi-zhen, WANG Nan, SUN Xiu-quan
- Chin. Phys. Lett. Vol.17 (2000) 789-791;
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Behavior of the Lyapunov exponent and phase transition in nuclei
- WANG Nan, LI Zhu-xia, WU Xi-zhen, WANG Ning, ZHUO Yi-zhong, SUN Xiu-quan
- Chin. Phys. Lett. Vol.17 (2000) 711-713;
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in conference proceedings
An improved nuclear mass formula: WS3
- Ning Wang and Min Liu
- J. Phy.: Conf. Seri. 420 (2013) 012057; 11th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (NN2012)
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[Link] [arXiv:1211.2538]
Super-heavy stability island with a semi-empirical nuclear mass formula
- N. Wang, M. Liu
- Nuclear Structure in China 2010: Proceedings of the 13th National Conference on Nuclear
Structure in China (NSC2010) (World Scientific, Singapore, 2011), pp. 206-214
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Extraction of probability of compound-nucleus formation
- N. Wang, M. Liu
- Nucl. Phys. A 834 (2010) 212c–216c; The 10th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (NN2009)
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Heavy-ion fusion and scattering with Skryme energy density functional
- Wang Ning, Liu Min and Yang YongXu
- Sci. China Ser. G: Phys. Astron., Vol. 52, No.10 (2009) 1554-1573;
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Applications of Skryme energy density functional to fusion reactions
- N. Wang, E. Zhao, Z. Li, X. Wu, M. Liu, J. Li, and W. Scheid
- Proceedings of the Workshop on Superheavy Elements, 6 September 2005 (ISBN 3-00-017194-0) edited by N. V. Antonenko and W. Scheid, Giessen 2005, p. 115.
- 吴锡真、李祝霞、王宁、田俊龙、赵凯、张英逊、欧立、刘敏
- 原子核物理评论, Vol. 22, No. 4 (2005) 329-333.
- 王宁、李祝霞、吴锡真
- 原子核物理评论, Vol. 21, No. 4 (2004) 374-378.
- 王宁、李祝霞、吴锡真
- 原子核物理评论, Vol. 20, No. 2 (2003) 121-131.
Last modified on March 5, 2025